Tax News September 2020
- Having difficulty submitting a BE POA in MyFTB?
We have a known issue in MyFTB that occurs when tax professionals attempt to submit a power of attorney (POA) for a business entity (BE) that has more than one tax identification (ID) number.
- 2020 filing season update
Statistics for the first part of the 2020 filing season.
- Reminder: S Corporations file Form 100S by September 15, 2020
This is a reminder for you and your clients to make sure to file Form 100S, California S Corporation Franchise or Income Tax Return, by the extended due date of September 15, 2020.
- Extension of time: Original signatures not required through December 31, 2020
We recently updated our COVID-19 FAQ page with original signature information.
- Adjusted interest rates
For the period January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2021, the adjusted interest rate is 3%.
- New WebPay video
Paying your tax bill may not be fun, but we have a quick and easy way to do it: WebPay.
- Ask the Advocate
Advisory Board meeting update
- All About Business
Clarification on how California taxes trusts
- Event Calendar
As part of education and outreach to our tax professional community, we participate in many different presentations and fairs. We provide a calendar that shows the events we attend (virtually), as well as other events happening with us, such as interested party and board meetings.
Have a topic or tax question you’d like us to address? We want to hear from you! Submit your ideas to us: