Notice of Proposed Assessment Your tax audit

Upon completion of the audit, we mail a Notice of Proposed Assessment (NPA) to you if you owe additional:

  • Tax
  • Penalties
  • Interest

This notice is not a bill. Your balance due will become a bill if you take no action by the protest by date. If you agree with the proposed amount, pay your NPA.

If you disagree with the audit findings, you can file a protest by the protest by date shown on the front of the NPA. You have 60 days to protest.

Filing a protest will not stop the accrual of interest on the NPA. To stop the accrual of interest, pay your NPA balance in full within 15 days of the notice date.

For more information about the NPA process, review the following:

Pay your NPA

Web pay

When making your payment online, choose one of the following payment types:

  • Notice of Proposed Assessment
  • Pending Audit Tax Deposit Payment (form FTB 3576)

Determine if you’re required to pay online (Mandatory e-pay or EFT) to avoid additional penalties.

Before you mail your payment:

Write your full name or business name, identification number, and the applicable tax year on your payment. Make your check or money order payable to Franchise Tax Board. Include a copy of your NPA with your payment.

Mail: Individuals
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 942867
Sacramento CA 94267-0008
Mail: Businesses
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 942857
Sacramento CA 94257-0531

If you plan to:

  • Protest the NPA within the period on your notice
  • Make a tax deposit payment to stop the accumulation of interest

Then include one of the applicable forms below with your payment: