Golden State Stimulus April 2021 Tax News
You may have heard about Golden State Stimulus payments that are available to certain low-income Californians. This COVID-19 relief was enacted when Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 88.
California will provide the Golden Status Stimulus payment to those who qualify. This is a one-time $600 or $1,200 payment. Recipients may receive this payment if they receive the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) or file with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).
A few important items of note about this one-time payment:
- It will not delay the processing of tax returns and refunds.
- It is a separate payment (not included with a tax refund) that will be provided once the processing of the tax return is complete.
- The payment will be provided in the same manner as the taxpayer requested their tax refund, excluding if your client requested an advance refund from you as their tax service provider.
- It will not be offset by other liabilities nor will it be levied.
If you have clients that qualify for EITC or will be filing an income tax return using an ITIN and earn $75,000 or less, they may be eligible. For more information go to Golden State Stimulus on our website.