San Diego County disaster notice assistance Tax News Flash

San Diego County individuals and businesses impacted by the severe storms and flooding that began on January 21, 2024, qualified for a postponement to file and pay 2023 taxes until June 17, 2024. San Diego County taxpayers who did not mark "disaster" on their return may have received penalty notices. Taxpayers may have also received notices due to timing of peak season notices and posting of payments.

If San Diego County taxpayers received a penalty notice for the 2023 taxable year related to the disaster postponement, taxpayers or tax professionals can do one of the following for resolution:

  • Check MyFTB for up-to-date account information.

  • **NEW** Submit an email to This email was designed exclusively for San Diego County taxpayers who received notices related to the disaster postponement. The following information is required to process the disaster relief request:
    • Taxpayer name
    • Address during the disaster (must be principal residence or principal place of business)
    • Email address
    • Telephone number
    • 10-digit FTB identification number or 15-digit notice number

    Do not include social security numbers or any other confidential information. Allow up to 8 weeks for the request to process. Once the request is processed, taxpayers will receive a confirmation letter from FTB via the U.S. Postal service. Only emails related to San Diego County disaster will be processed through this mailbox.

  • Contact FTB. Taxpayers and tax professionals may still use one of the many options to contact FTB.